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4.0.5 (2025-03-07)

  • Added: Official functions for converting MPS and MPO cell arrays according to the QSpace standard exchange protocol.

4.0.4 (2024-12-11)

  • Added: Support for the integration with the high performance tensor transpose (HPTT) library. Invoking the HPTT library produces ~10% performance improvement in the permutation operation for large tensors.

4.0.3 (2024-12-10)

  • Updated: The built-in permuteQS receives performance improvements. The built-in permutation is optimized for a better incorporation of the OpenMP parallelization. The new implementation is ~20% faster than the previous version.

4.0.2 (2024-11-26)

  • Added: fuse function for tensor index fusion.
  • Added: decomp function for various principal coponents decomposition.
  • Fixed: Update oplus function to accommodate the trailing OM index.

4.0.1 (2024-10-12)

  • Added: Create Metadata information after compilation.
  • Added: Welcome information for deployed applications.
  • Added: configure script and osqs entrance application.
  • Added: osqs command line tool in MATLAB interative interface.

4.0.0 (2024-10-07)

  • Added: One-line compilation script for macOS and Linux.
  • Added: Environment presets for macOS and ASC HPC clusters.
  • Fixed: Optimize hostname warning message.
  • Updated: Improved RC_STORE strategy in startup.m.